Laser treatment

Fractional Radiofrequency

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Photodamaged and ageing skin is associated with a decrease in collagen levels resulting in fine lines, wrinkles, tone and texture changes, and lax skin. The major reason for this is thinning of the epidermis and dermis. Damage to the dermis affects the activity of various enzymes, such as metalloproteinases and collagenase, which are responsible for removing the old tissue and deposition of new.

Fractional radiofrequency (FRF) has recently emerged for the treatment of scars, cellulite and skin rejuvenation. FRF works by causing minimal to no damage to the skin, naturally boosting collagen production and rejuvenating skin cells, resulting in the stimulation of cell regeneration and tightening of the skin.

This treatment can be used to treat all areas of the body except the lips and eyelids due to the high sensitivity of the areas.

Fractional RF micro-needling is a minimally invasive technology using a set of very fine sterilized needles to create microscopic wounds at various predetermined depths in the dermis without affecting the epidermis. The direct thermal heating of the dermis results in new collagen production and subsequently results in dermal thickening. The presence of the intact epidermis and the surrounding dermal tissue results in rapid re-epithelialization and thus minimal downtime and risks. Recent studies show that fractional radiofrequency micro-needling is effective in the treatment of a majority of skin problems.

After assessing your skin, we recommend the optimum number of treatments required to achieve noticeably healthier young skin. One single section of treatment takes between 20 to 45 minutes, although this is completely dependent on the size of the area being treated

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