
Lip Lift

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Lips are the most defining feature of your face. Shape, volume and facial expressions of lips have a significant impact at first glance on the appearance. Thus, many women dream of having lips that enhance their beauty. If your lips are not as plump or symmetrical as you desired, a lip lift with dermal fillers can deliver that luscious kissable lips.

Lip fillers or dermal fillers are substances injected into your lips which remove lines and wrinkles and add volume to lips or cheeks. Most dermal fillers contain a natural hyaluronic acid. First, an anaesthetic cream is used to numb your skin. Then Injections are given around the area of your face being treated and massaged. It might feel uncomfortable but not painful. The treatment usually finishes in 20 and 30 minutes.

Fillers are not permanent and last between 6 and 18 months. You can see instant results after the treatment. You can resume your normal activities immediately after the treatment.

Lips are the most challenging features for a Nonsurgical Facial treatment as they require significant technical skill. So We suggest a detailed consultation with one of our experienced Doctors to advise you on the outcome and pricing based on your tailored needs. To Book an appointment, call us now.

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